Saturday, May 02, 2009


A few weeks back, Frost and I headed up to Carleton Place for a funeral.

The hotel I booked for the night wasn't the greatest. I should have known better when we arrived and there was not a soul to be found at the front desk. The windows in the room didn't open, which sucked since they'd put the ac on full blast for our arrival. They played loud music in the halls until Frost called down to the restaurant and complained at 10:30 pm only to woken up by it at 7 am the next morning. In the morning we just left the key on the front desk since there was no one around. Clearly we had been the only guests for the evening. However it was very convenient to the location of the funeral parlour, being just a block away. It was definitely the most awkward funeral I have ever been too. There were folks there I haven't seen in almost 20 years. While certain people who should have been there, didn't attend, which really pissed me off. It was hard but it was closure, and I am proud for going.

Anyway, this post is suppose to be about a good hotel, not a bad one.

On our way home, we detoured to the town of Gananoque. Frost, on a spur of the moment whim, had the brilliant idea of spending the night there. I figured the cats had enough food to last one more day, and we had no where to be the following day, so happily agreed. We ended up staying at The Ganonoque Inn. Which was a complete opposite of where we spent the night before. We had a waterfront room with a jacuzzi. It was brilliant, tranquil and relaxing and just what we needed. We watched the sunset and then headed up to the main street for food. In the morning, we missed the continental breakfast by 20 minutes, but a manager walking by, happily went to find us leftover pastries and coffee for our journey home. It was great and I highly recommend it.

April sunset in Ganonoque, Ontario.

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