Friday, August 21, 2009

Noro Lap Blanket

This is the progress so far on my noro lap blanket.

After taking this image, it measured about 19 inches square. I am about four rows into the second ball of yarn in this image. I am in love with how this yarn is adapting to the pattern. If I was using just one colour of yarn i'd be bored to death by now, but having the colour changes of the noro makes it super fun to see what colour will line up on top of the previous colour next. I thought once I'd finished the first ball of yarn, I'd take a break and work on my eliina shawl but I just can't seem to put it down. Every chance I get, I pull it out of my newest and most favourite project bag, and add a few more double crochet stitches. This project is turning out to be so addicting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pretty! I love noro for that; it can make the most boring or tedious project fun.

And congrats on the tomatoes. what did you make with them? Where they in salad? Let a knitta know!