Wednesday, January 01, 2014

New Year, New Look, New Post

This will be my third attempt in as many years to get back in the habit of blogging. I'm going to aim high this month and challenge myself to post once a day for the month of January. (love the new scheduling feature on blogger)

So much has happened in past two years but this is the biggest and best thing to have occurred around here.

The time has gone by so fast-she's 18 months old already-it's all such a blur. G's an absolute joy to be around. She's stubborn and independent, funny and adorable, caring and loving, she loves music and dancing and sleeps through the night. It's amazing to watch her learn new words, she's like a sponge these days soaking everything up.

I'm still knitting, though not as prolific as I once was and my obsession for roller derby which hit in November of 2011 is unwavering. I completed my rookie season this past year, and am ready to roll again with my awesome team at the end of January. It's going to be a stellar year.

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