Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Do you frog or unknit?

As I was unknitting a sock yesterday, due to the discovery of a mistake a row away, I wondered to myself how many people unknit rather than frog their knitting items?

Personally, unless I am starting from the very beginning, I cannot pull a needle out of live stitches and frog it back to a certain point. This is for fear of missing a stitch or having stitches twist on me. I am always in awe of other knitters when they do this. I think of them as being very brave souls.

However I do know I am not the only one who unknits back to her mistake. For there was a woman who while waiting in line for the yarn harlot, said she was unknitting her own sock.


Carla said...

Un-knitting seems so much wiser! So far I'm a frogger but if I were doing something really nice and had to go back, I'd figure out how to un-knit. Knit on sister!

Charlotte Frost said...

Or, you can slip the knitting needle through the stitches the row below your mistake and just rip back to the waiting needle - see Stitch and Bitch. It's not as easy on a sock, admittedly, but quicker if you are ripping back a few rows, although I guess unknitting can be as fun as knitting if you are just enjoying the rhythm...

Lyndsey-Jane said...

I will unknit if it is only row or so down but frog it otherwise. I do use a lifeline when knitting lace, and will usualy just frog back to that - mainly because I'm crap at workign out where I've made mistakes in lace!

Andrea said...

Live dangerously! Frog! Depends on the mistake. I'm also a fan of the ignore it and move on technique.