But for now I just have to say that yesterday I went to renew my library card.
Since Frost and I will be in our new house for the christmas holidays this year I want to start a christmas stocking tradition.
Now neither one of us have christmas stockings. So what better way to use up some stash yarn than to make one for each of us. Well that's not entirely true. I have one from my childhood, but it's currently at my parents house. And as I don't plan on visiting any time soon, I won't be getting my clutches on it. Plus truth be told it's pretty tatty and old.
So anyways a fellow knitter at my lys, made a beautiful stocking for her nephew. I loved the pattern and looked online to see how much the book was selling for. Turns out the book is so popular, it's out of stock. The used copies that are up for sale are 80 dollars a piece. I only want to make the one stocking from the book. I think that $80 for a knitting book of 18 patterns is a bit excessive.
Then I remembered, that I had a card, somewhere, in a wallet, somewhere, that I could use at a little known place called the public library. It took me three days to find said card, as it was not in my current wallet, but in one I used a few wallets ago. Of course, when I finally was able to remember my password to get on the website for the tpl, my card had expired. Well go figure, I hadn't used it since 2006, as I still had overdue fines from way back then. (a mere 90¢)
So yesterday afternoon I renewed my library card, paid my fine, and happened to be served by the chap that used to live in the apartment below us. He moved out last May and told our landlady he was moving to Kingston. Turns out he ended up moving across the street from her, as she lives only three blocks away from us and I guess didn't know that at the time. But that's another story.
When I got home in the evening after a night out with some friends for dinner, I got on the tpl website right away. I preceded to place a hold on the christmas stocking book as well as 10 other knitting books. Can you tell how excited I am to have my library card renewed? I used to get books out from the library all the time before my obsession for all things knitting took over my life. Now I can renew that passion again by incorporating the two together.
Actually knitting content with wips photos to show tomorrow. Unless of course any of the dozen of knitting books I have ordered come due for pickup.
1 comment:
arted kinitting I went to our (tiny)local library and found the uber-rare Alice Starmore fair isle book. Now after living here a while I would be more stunned to find anything modern.
What book had the stockins?
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